RIMSKY-KORSAKOV Orchestral Works

“...richly played and caught with a vividness arresting even for SACD...Pletnev gives [the Mlada excerpt] immense scale” --BBC Music Magazine, July 2010 *****

“Pletnev and his virtuoso orchestra make a charming sound picture of the Dance of the Birds, woodwind all a-twitter, and leap with plenty of vigour into the single most popular item, the Dance of the Clowns, or Skomorokhi...the death and transfiguration of the Princess Fevronia...is evocatively played.” --Gramophone Magazine, August 2010

Russian National Orchestra, Mikhail Pletnev

This is the 21st album by this orchestra on Pentatone, most of which have received the highest critical acclaim. In particular, the recordings of Russian repertoire conducted by Russian conductors are artistically and commercially successful.

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