DUSSEK Duos for Harp and Piano Forte

2012 marks the 200th anniversary of Jan Ladislav Dussek’s death and here we celebrate his superb artistry and compositional skills with his works for Harp and Pianoforte. Performed on a single action harp with pianoforte accompaniment, his understanding of the relationship between these two instruments is clear for all to hear. A stunning disc.

“Egarr is writing no more than the truth when he says in his booklet note that the sonorities of these instruments blend so well, so magically in fact, that it can be very difficult at times to work out at which point the harp ends and the Broadwood takes over...The music is vital, exciting, and full of colour and sentiment.” --MusicWeb International, January 2013 ↪Vol.1

Masumi Nagasawa (single-action harp)

Contemporary of Mozart, Jan Ladislav Dussek died 200 years ago. He came to London in 1789 and in 1792 performed in a number of concerts and got married. His wife Sophia was a singer, pianist and harpist who became known in her own right. Works by both composers are performed by the expert harpist Masumi Nagasawa.

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