20th Century GUITAR Music

Garuda, a guitar ballade written by the English composer and guitarist Oliver Hunt is a piece of music that tells a story. Garuda is a giant bird that appears in the Hindu  legend of Rama and Sita. He is attributed with supernatural powers being able to fly  around the world in only one day. His appearance high in the sky is seen by humans  as a good omen. The music describes Garuda’s flight and what he sees and feels for  mankind down on earth. In the beginning, we hear him shaking his huge wings. We can feel his powers while he is in full flight watching the people in the marketplace below.

At the end of theday, before he reaches his starting point in the Himalayas, he thinks about mankind and feels pity for them. The flight ends by shaking his wings again but very softly in »pianissimo«.
In Garuda, I used two different guitars for the recording, one cedar and one spruce. During the editing process, I combined the different tracks of both guitars resulting in  more  sound  colors,  something  that  I  would  not  have  obtained  using  only  one instrument.

Oliver Hunt (1934–2000):
Garuda, Ballade for Guitar

Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983):
Sonata para guitarra, Op. 47, Op. 47
1. Esordio
2. Scherzo
3. Canto
4. Finale

Leo Brouwer (*1939):

Georg Schmitz (*1958):
Fantasie für Gitarre

Hans Werner Henze (1926-2012):
Memorias de El Cimarron
1. Die Welt (The World)
2. Die Flucht (The Flight)
3. Der Wald (The Forest)
4. Der Aufstand (The Rebellion)
5. Der schlechte Sieg (The Bad Victory)
6. Die Freundlichkeit (Friendliness)

Leo Brouwer (*1939):
Paisaje Cubano con Campana

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