The Brigitte Bardot Show

An extremely rare example of a celebrity who made actual good records, French sex kitten Brigitte Bardot used her alluring personality, and the genius of collaborator Serge Gainsbourgh, to make a series of super swell Sixties sides. Like one of Serge's other gals, Jane Birkin, Ms BB isn't a great singer. But rather than try to fit into a standard pop singer mold - the downfall of so many singing-actor records - Bardot sings cute and sexy over music that is tailored for her. There's a psych-rock edge to many of the songs here.

This 1968 tv special soundtrack features a couple of familiar classics ("Harley Davidson," and "Contact"), some great songs I wasn't familiar with (the rocker "Ce N'est Pas Vrai", the kooky tablas-a-go-go "Oh Qu'il Est Vilain"), and the instrumental interludes of Francis "Theme From A Man and A Woman" Lai. His "Saint-Tropez" is one of the best tracks on this album.  If I had a radio show this would be my opening theme.

The Brigitte Bardot Show

A1 Harley Davidson 2:30
A2 Marseillaise Générique 2:10
A3 Mister Sun 3:12
A4 Ay Que Viva La Sangria 2:30
A5 Ce N'est Pas Vrai 1:38
A6 Gang Gang 2:00
A7 Saint-Tropez 1:10
A8 Port Grimaud 0:30
B1 Oh Qu'il Est Vilain 2:25
B2 Paris 1:35
B3 Je Reviendrai Toujours Vers Toi 2:23
B4 On Déménage 2:03
B5 Le Diable Est Anglais 2:40
B6 David B... 1:10
B7 Contact

Thanks again to that international master of musical mystery, Count Otto Black!

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